Lifesaving Instructor (LSI)

Lifesaving Instructors can teach and examine the Bronze Awards and Swim Patrol. 


Next Courses

Spring LSI:

    • Thursday, May 29, 6:00-10:00pm, through Zoom
    • Friday, May 30, 6:00-10:00pm, Private Pool
    • Saturday, May 31, 9:00-5:30, Birds Hill Park Waterfront
    • Friday, June 6, 5:00-9:00pm, Birds Hill Park Waterfront
    • Saturday, June 7, 9:00-2:00, Private Pool
    • $399 + GST

To register, just send us your first name, last name and email address to this email: [email protected]. Also, let us know whether you want the full course or a recertification.

Payment can be made by e-transfer to [email protected]. Please email us if you would like different payment options.

Instructor Courses and Recertifications

Lifesaving Instructor Recertification (LSIR)

Your LSI is good for two years. After that, you must recertify to maintain your certification.

If you have expired, you have a five-year grace period. You can simply take an LSI Recert and become recertified. If it is longer than that, there are some options so please contact us.

Upcoming Recerts:

  • To be posted soon.

Instructor Courses | Recertifications | Lifeguard | Lifesaving | First Aid | LSI | WSI | BLS-HCP
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